The Zen Art Of Business

Now Available on BizMind Academy

The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass

Learn how to improve in all areas of life and business and level-up as an entrepreneur by leveraging our completely unique "Zen" approach to life and business allowing you to create a more profitable and fulfilling life.

Get unlimited access to a community of people striving for excellence to master the art of zen in both life & business



12 Hours





The Zen Art Of Business


From Arvell Anthony

Available Now On BizMind Academy

What is the The Zen Art Of Business Mater Class?

The Zen Art of Business Masterclass from BizMind Academy is a counterintuitive approach to business, that allows you to approach your entire business in a whole new light, without constantly over working yourself by creating a job instead of a business, constantly struggle to generate new clients, consistently let clients down by not providing results, or just to avoid hating what you do.

We achieve this by leveraging the “5 Simple Zen Art of Business Strategies”, a simple 5-step process to creating the ultimate clarity in all areas of both your life and business, without creating more stress, anxiety or guilt.

And as a result…this free’s you up to find or re-define your purpose, create clarity around why you are in business in the first place, who you help, and most importantly have a more balanced life.

– This is The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass.

The Curriculum

Explore the The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass curriculum

The The Zen Art Of Business Materclass guides you through an easy-to-follow 10-week curriculum. Each of these weeks focuses on a unique aspect of learning how to re-frame your thought process on how to approach your business and life – allowing you to efficiently and effectively master the zen art of business so you can show up to your business every day and actually enjoy what you do, find purpose in your work, manage and accomplish tasks more efficiently, improve your financial situation; and ultimately improve your business for your clients, team and yourself.

Throughout the program, you’ll take a deep look at how your current business model or business plan operates; how successful your team and company fulfill for your clients, and diagnose specific constraints that are keeping you and your business from true success. You’ll see your own patterns and beliefs in a whole new light. And, you’ll gain a whole new empowering “balanced & zen” approach that you can use to instantly improve your business and life in all areas from mindset and discipline, to cashflow and profitability. Allowing you to permanently shift your current view on the reality of business and improve both your personal and professional life.

Once you reach the end, you’ll have all the tools and insights you need to start growing your business without all of the head-aches and frustrations you’ve been currently facing; and finally experience the fullest extent of your business and life’s purpose.

We discuss how to incorporate a “Zen” approach to business when engaging, creating, promoting or operating your business. The practices discussed within this course transfer over to one’s daily life practices, tying together the essence of spirituality (non-religious) and business, thus allowing you to approach all areas of your life with a Zen, Strategic mindset.

Here's What

The Zen Art of Business Master Class


This Program Covers

5 Simple Zen Art of Business Strategies

Reason & Money


Financial Aptitude

Core Fundamentals

Factors of Finance

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What's Inside The...

Zen Art of Business Master Class


Introduction to BizMind's Zen Art of Business Master Class & The importance of identifying your ideal niche

In this brief section, we’ll introduce you to the program, philosophy, and show you how you can gain access to the BizMind Academy community. In this intro lesson week, we discuss the importance of picking your niche, and why being clear on your niche is of vital importance to the success of your business.

Week 1

How to create a bulletproof mindset

This week focuses on, creating a perfect strategy, and improving your discipline and habits so you can succeed in all area of business and life.

Week 2

How to manage your time and efficiency as an entrepreneur

This week is focused completely on how to effectively manage your time, so you can create a life that has balance by creating clarity around the exact daily action items you should focus on to improv your life and business.

Week 3

How to create and improve your current business plan to make it immediately profitable

In this week we will completely dismantle your current business or business plan. Allowing you to create full clarity around your exact business model, who your target audience is, and how to identify your prospects number one goal, and build a profitable business strategy that provides outrageous results for your clients.

Week 4

How to launch or relaunch your business for rapid growth

We will review your new clear and concise business plan we created from the previous week. Then create the ultimate strategy to go to market and instantly see results.

Week 5

How to identify and clarify your reason for your business

There are many reasons why people create their own business… In this lesson we will help you create clarity around your “why”. Why are you in business, why do you help the people that you help, why should people pay you, and why do you even do what you do… We’ve found that a lot of entrepreneurs are missing or have forgotten their “why” and this lesson will help you clarify the exact reason, you do what you do. So you can show up excited to your business every single day.

Week 6

How to create simplicity in your life and business

In this section we will break down the exact strategies your business provides to your market, and help you “trim the fat” so you can simplify your business allowing you to provide more value, service more people, create systems for servicing your clients, and ultimately enjoy what you do.

Week 7

The 3 most important financial intentions of a successful business owner

Intention is everything in business, in this week we help you create or improve your financial intentions based on our 3 most important financial intentions; to produce and excellent working income, create a massive passive income, and to build the value of your company.

Week 8

How to master the 3 core fundamental areas of business

In this lesson we help you reframe how you approach your business from an operations perspective of the 3 core fundamental areas of business; Marketing, Sales & Operations. Allowing you create systems around each of these areas in your business so you know the exact process you will take to grow your business.

Week 9

How to master the 4 factors of finance and increase profitability

In this week we focus on the money, not jut the money coming in, but we focus on the 4 factors of finance; Revenue, Cashflow, Profit and Expenses. Allowing you to operate your business so you are avoiding unwanted financial stress by improving your profitability and finding the zen art of finance.

Week 10

How to create an irresistible offer while maintaining profitability

In this section, we cover how to clearly identify your price point based on time, energy, capital, and value. If you’ve ever struggled to profitably price your offer, then this will help you identify the exact value of your product or service. So you can flip the switch and have clients begging to work with you.

Week 11

How to consistently sell your products and service

In this lesson, we will help you create the ultimate selling system, so you can approach your sales calls with the ultimate level of confidence and conviction. Literally forcing people to pull our their wallets and happily give you money for your products and services.

Week 12

Creating the ultimate selling mindset

We will help you prepare for your sales calls and create full clarity so you can speak confidently to any person in your ideal niche, and KNOW that what you offer can help them achieve their goals.


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Access to our Zen Art of Business Private Online Community

In the BizMind Zen Art of Business Online Community you can connect with other course members, ask questions, attend our monthly Q&A calls, access previous recordings of events, and also get support on any areas you would like to improve.

Bonus #4

Free Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls

I will personally host monthly group coaching calls with free training, live Q&A, guest speakers, and more… so you never feel left in the dark. Welcome to BizMind Academy, where we help you master the Zen art of business, life, and [Course Topic].


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Free Access To The BizMind Art of Zen Online Community

Access to our Private Art of Zen online community of fellow entrepreneurs to gain support and create networking opportunities.

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Risk Free 15 Day Money Back Guarantee

With all BizMind Academy Programs, you can  start your journey with confidence knowing that your financial investment is safe, secure and backed by our powerful 15 Day Money Back Guarantee.

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Meet Your

The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass


Arvell Anthony

Instructor's Title

Arvell is the founder of Vorrei Consulting, a strategic management firm which is dedicated to client efficiency by providing project management & strategic management consulting services to businesses throughout the US and worldwide.

He is also the founder of The BizMind Academy online education platform, providing online courses geared towards helping entrepreneurs learn actionable skills that can be implemented into daily business processes to see immediate results.

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Master The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass

Then Simply Click The Button Below & Join The Zen Art Of Business Masterclass Today!

We've Gathered A List Of The Most

Frequently Asked Questions

So You Are Fully Ready To Start Your Journey

This program is designed to help create the perfect foundation for new entrepreneurs who are looking to fast track their results.

This is also perfect for current business owners who are struggling to find balance in their work and life, and for those who have possibly lost their drive, focus, and clarity around why they are in business in the first place.

If you want to reclaim your purpose, while also providing more value to your clients, then this program i the perfect solution for you!

Course Instructor: Arvell Anthony, CEO of Vorrei Consulting

I am the founder of Vorrei Consulting, a strategic management firm which is dedicated to client efficiency📈 by providing project management & strategic management consulting services to businesses throughout the US and worldwide.

Vorrei Consulting helps small business owners learn and implement strategic management practices that are focused on improving organization, streamline business processes and creating scalability.

I’ve spent over 12 years managing projects for fortune 500 companies (Ascent Media, Gilead Sciences, One Diversified)… as well as working with over 50+ small businesses owners and their teams.

I am also the founder of The BizMind Academy online education platform, providing online courses geared towards helping entrepreneurs learn actionable skills that can be implemented into daily business processes to see immediate results.

I’ve served as the Chief Of Operations for Sinew Solutions – building mobile apps…and also at the time had invested in a guitar pedal company (Stacks FX), where I served as a member of the board.

Many of these small business entrepreneurs who were creating mobile apps would reach out to me for business strategy advice.

This is what later turned into me doing more one-on-one strategic consulting, in addition to project management consulting, where I would be providing business strategy guidance to these entrepreneurs based on just my own expertise and experience as a small business owner.

This helped me gain tremendous insight into the pains and pitfalls many entrepreneurs face on a daily basis and became the foundation for a lot of what this Time Management Course focuses on solving.

As the old saying goes, “The proof is in the pudding.”

That part’s easy!

Just click the link below and complete the order form on the next page.

Once you’re done, you’ll get an email with your login details and bonuses delivered straight to your inbox!

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